校長 小西 祐一
「雀より 鶯多き 根岸かな」(正岡子規)の句のとおり、根岸の地は昔から趣のある閑静な町として知られ、現在も「根岸の里」として親しまれています。
Studying at NEGISHI, Fly away to the World
Principal Yuichi KONISHI
In the environment colored by its history and culture
Our school is a traditional school with a history of 149 years since it opened on February 22, 1874.
Some of Japan's most famous historical and cultural facilities like the National Museum and Kan'eiji Temple, are in our school district. In addition, Negishi is famous for having the homes of Masaoka Shiki and Nakamura Fusetsu, which are now preserved as Shiki-an and the Museum of Calligraphy, respectively. Still lovingly referred to by the people as“Negishi Village”, the area of Negishi has long been known as a quaint and quiet town.
From Negishi Elementary School to the World!
Negishi Elementary School teachers have a traditionally been very eager to study education and to foster the next generation’s abilities. The staff has been trying its hardest to develop our teaching methods and curriculum.
Negishi Elementary School is proud that some of our graduates are playing active roles in politics, economics, science, and culture. We, the faculty members, are grateful to everyone who has supported our school. It is with great respectthat we wish to develop and continue a tradition of pride in Negishi Elementary School by encouraging our students to work towards world peace and improve human progress.